3 Reasons You Should Enjoy a Pulp Cider This Zero Waste Week

Zero Waste Week is an award-winning (and down-right much needed) campaign, highlighting the issue of the environmental impact of waste.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to sustainability and our dedication to looking after our glorious farmscape. The nutritious, fertile soil here on the farm, and our proximity to the river is undoubtedly a key factor in the high quality of our fruit. But it's more than that to us. This landscape nurtures our souls; the orchards, the changing seasons, the wildlife that surrounds us here fulfils in ways that no amount of money possibly could. So that, friends, is why we take sustainability very seriously indeed.

Every cider that you buy from us helps to preserve our traditional craft, our countryside and British Farming for future generations to come! So whilst you sup your Pulp cider, you can be sure of these 3 facts:

🌳  Our cider apples are all grown, picked, pressed and fermented on our family farm, then packaged just down the road, completing our 'Pip to Pint' production cycle in 5 miles.

🎁  Our gorgeous gift packs are fully recyclable; ain't no sellotape or plastic handles on these beauties! Show a friend the gift of cidery kindness, and you'll be caring for Mother Earth at the same time.

💡 Our clever customers have sustainability at their core! Join them in upcycling your cans (see below). Plant a bee-friendly flower for extra points!



Let's make Zero Waste Week Zero Waste 52 Weeks! 💪




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